Welcome to the website www.gmt-interconsulting.com (hereinafter the "Website").

The Website was created and belongs to the exclusive ownership of the company, under the trade name "GMT INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES SOCIETE ANONYME", which is located in the 6-8, Kifisias Ave., 15125, Marousi, Greece with VAT number 801931906 and General Commercial Registry (GEMH) No.166454701000, (hereinafter the "Company").

The present document (hereinafter the "Terms & Conditions") sets out in detail, the terms of use of this Website. We encourage you to read carefully the content of the Terms, before using our Website.

By accessing and using the Website implies you accept the terms and conditions set forth herein by you (hereinafter the "User"). In case you do not accept the content of the Terms of Use, you must immediately cease from accessing and browsing this Website.

These Terms of Use may be amended, at any time, without prior notice to the Users of the Website. If you do not agree with the Terms of Use, we kindly ask you to abstain from any further use of the Website immediately.

The Terms of Use come into force and apply upon publication. It is your responsibility to be informed of any amendment to these Terms.

The Terms of Use are applicable along with the Privacy Policy.

We recommend you to review the present Terms of Use on a regular basis to make sure that you consent with the terms as described hereto.

1. Use of the Website

The Website and content provided to you is for informational purposes solely. Neither the Website nor its content may be presumed or otherwise constitute a professional advice, proposal or in any way offer that might be related with the services provided by the Company.

You may use the Website, its content and services solely for personal, non-commercial use, provided that you do not infringe the intellectual and industrial property rights, or any other related rights of the Company. Any other use of the Website is strictly prohibited.

More specifically, is prohibited the use of the Website for the purpose of posting, publishing, distributing, sharing content that:

  • violates any rights of the Company or third parties, including without limitation, their intellectual property rights;
  • violates any applicable local, national, European or international legislation or regulation;
  • has a fraudulent purpose or effect.
  • is contrary to public policy and/or moral and human rights, including without limitation: pornographic or sexual material, obscene and offensive messages, libelous or defamatory content, content that promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; material that promotes computer hacking or any other criminal acts as well as, any material that may falsify the identity of subjects, or be the subject of impersonation or forgery (including the submission of material intended to give the impression that it comes from the Company or any other third party);
  • contains, amongst other, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, keystroke recorders, spyware, adware or other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of the Website or any computer software or hardware;
  • is contrary to or harms the legal interests of the Company;
  • is inconsistent with the fair use of the Website or
  • promotes any commercial activity of a third legal or natural person, for example by sending promotional or advertising messages or spams.

Failure to comply with all the above constitutes an infringement and is subject to civil, criminal and any other kind of sanctions.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

This Website (including its structure, design and material, programs and codes, means of access, databases, etc.) as well as its content (including photographs, texts, trademarks, videos, graphics, articles, memorandums, statistics, researches etc.) constitutes the intellectual property of the Company and is therefore protected under national legislation (indicatively Law 2121/1993, Law 4679/2020 including its amendments etc.), international and European legislation on intellectual and industrial property, as well as any other relevant legislation.

The use of the Website and its online services does not constitute or imply the grant or license of the Company’s intellectual and industrial property rights to you. Consequently, it is strictly forbidden to use, reproduce, imitate, distribute or redistribute, copy, license, alter or amend in whole or in part the content of the Website, through any kind of process, as well as to sell, resell, broadcast or supply third parties in any way, the content of the Website or else act in a way that violates the exclusive rights of the Company.

More specifically, with regards to the trademarks and distinctive signs of the Company that appear on the Website, any use, copy, invocation, reference, processing or other act thereof, for personal or commercial purposes or in a way that harms the reputation, commercial profile and image of the Company, is strictly prohibited and entails legal consequences.

Failure to comply with these restrictions constitutes a violation of the Company's exclusive intellectual and industrial property rights and may expose you to civil and criminal sanctions.

3. Hyperlinks

Through the Website, you may be able to browse through links (hyperlinks) to third party websites. These links are provided only for informational purposes and in order to facilitate your navigation on the Website. Consequently, the Company is not responsible for the content, advertisements, products and/or services of these websites, as well as the accessibility and security of both the websites and the hyperlinks that lead to them. In addition, the Company is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to you, resulting from interconnection with a third-party website through links (hyperlinks) or from the use of data and information, included in any third-party website.

Please note that the terms of use, legal terms and security of the third-party websites you visit, may differ from the terms and security of this Website. For this reason, we encourage you to carefully read the terms of use of third-party websites, before using them.

4. Social Media

Through the Website, you may be able to follow our Company through its LinkedIn account (hereinafter referred to as "Social Media") to be updated on the latest news of the Company and find useful information on tax, financial and legal topics. Any services we offer through Social Media as well as information shared, submitted or offered via our Social Media accounts, will be subject to these Terms of Use unless otherwise agreed.

Please note that any interaction you may have with our pages on Social Media, may lead you to directly access and connect to your personal Social Media accounts. In that view, we inform you that we have no access to your personal accounts other than the usual (view of your profile on LinkedIn), nor do we control the interaction services, with your personal pages on Social Media and, therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the acts and/or omissions of Social Media service providers.

For this reason, we encourage you to read carefully the terms of Social Media, before using them.

5. Viruses, Piracy and Other Cybercrimes

You are prohibited to use the Website and knowingly transmit or otherwise upload and transfer viruses, trojan horses, worms and other malicious software or other materials that are harmful. Furthermore, unauthorized access to this Website and its server, or to any other server, computer and database connected to the Website, as well as the illegal interception of data of the Website or otherwise the malicious interference on the Website, in any way with its operation, is prohibited.

Violation of the above may constitute a criminal offense under applicable law and may be subject to penalties. Similarly, in the event of such a breach, your right to use this website will be terminated immediately. The Company reserves the right to raise a claim against you, by all appropriate judicial means, for the satisfaction of any kind of claim and damage, suffered by it (the Company) from the above violation.

6. Ads

We reserve the right to lawfully advertise the Company and our services on various websites of our choice, on the Internet and to use occasionally, partners or third-party advertising companies. When displaying these ads, cookies are used, to select statistics.

In addition, we reserve the right to present third party advertisements, via our Website. To the best of our knowledge, the content of such ads is lawful, does not infringe the rights of third parties and is not offensive, false, fraudulent or misleading. However, the Company is not and shall not in any way, be held liable for the content of these advertisements, nor is it obliged to pay damages, sanctions, or other fines, as remuneration for the harm you suffered, from the display, use and presentation of the above advertisements.

7. Cookies

Our website may use cookies, on certain of its services. A cookie is a small piece of data sent in your browser through a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. For more information, we encourage you to read the Cookies Policy, of our Company.

8. Personal Data Protection

The management and protection of your personal data is governed by the terms of the Company's Privacy Policy and the relevant provisions of both Greek (Law 4624/2019), European (GDPR 2016/679) and International Law on the protection of individuals from the processing of personal data, as well as the Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

We encourage you to visit the “Privacy Policy” page in order to be informed about your rights and obligations.

9. Waiver of liability

The Company ensures, as far as possible, the functionality of the Website and its proper operation, at all times.

However, the Company does not provide any guarantees in relation to the Website, its content or services, such as, but not limited to, warranties for continuous operation and absence of interruptions or errors, protection against harmful programs (such as viruses, software errors, malware or similar, etc.), suitability for certain purposes. On the contrary, it expressly excludes any warranty, in this sense.

By using the Website, you accept that the Company is relieved of any liability, sanction, claim for any possible damage, including, indicatively, any direct or indirect damage of any kind, loss or expense, which is due to, or in any case is a consequence of, the use of the Website, services, content, hyperlinks of the Website, that you may have suffered.

10. Amendments

We reserve the right to amend or modify this Terms of Use, at any time. Please check the Terms of Use of the Company at a regular basis, especially before accessing or browsing through the Website.

11. Communication

If you have any questions or concerns about the use and operation of the Website, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will do our best to answer your questions.

12. Jurisdiction, applicable law and other terms

The above terms and conditions of use of the Website, as well as any subsequent amendment thereof, are governed by the Greek Law. By accepting these terms of use, you also accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Athens, to interpret or resolve any dispute that may arise from browsing or using the Website.

If any of the provisions set forth in these Terms of Use is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall automatically cease to apply, while the remaining provisions shall retain their full force and effect. In any other case, all provisions of these Terms of Use, apply to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law.


Last modification: 23-05-2024