The company "GMT International Consulting Services S.A." which is located in the 6-8, Kifisias Ave., 15125, Marousi, Greece with VAT number 801931906 and General Commercial Registry (GEMH) No.166454701000 and is legally represented (hereinafter the "Company") understands that the protection of your personal data is important to you and therein declares that it respects your privacy. The company undertakes the responsibility to fully protect and secure your personal data and processes your personal information (referred to as "personal information", "personal data", "pp" or "pd") with transparency and confidentiality, in compliance with the Greek law No. 4624/2019, the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), as well as any other relevant legal text.

Our Privacy Policy below applies to the use of the website (hereinafter the "Website"). In this policy (hereinafter the "Privacy Policy") as stipulated below, you can find out information on the types of data we collect, the way we use them as well as your rights with regards to the protection of your personal data.

Please keep in mind that by visiting our Website, submitting information and using our services on our Website, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in the current Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

We recommend you to review the present Privacy Policy frequently to make sure that you consent with the terms as described hereto. References in this Privacy Policy to "we," "us" and "Company" are to GMT International Consulting Services S.A. and references to "your" or "you" include anyone who uses our Site and/or services.

If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, we kindly ask you to abstain from any further use of the Website immediately.

1. Definition of personal data - Scope of privacy policy

"Personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. Personal information means the information that relates to you and includes, for example, your name, your email address, your physical address, your tax ID, the IP address (only when we have collected it in conjunction with direct identification information) or the information you submitted by contacting us.

The concept of personal data does not include any anonymous personal data from which the natural person is not identifiable.

2. The kind of personal data we collect

We collect three types of information from you: i) information that you provide to us; ii) information we collect or receive from others; and iii) information extracted through automated tracking mechanisms and technology.

  • We collect personal data such as your name, surname, phone number, email, address, or company’s name to facilitate your communication with us through the contact form of our website. Moreover, we collect personal data such as name, VAT number, bank account or any other useful information, to provide you with our services, in the context of a contractual agreement between you and the Company.
  • We collect the data that are required by each applicable law (when it requires the collection and processing of data) and indicatively the following information: full name, father’s name, mother’s name, identity card number, address, telephone number, mobile phone number, email address, marital status, education, educational level, professional training and expertise, work experience, personal interview data, personal CV and any letters of recommendation, SSN (Social Security Number) and social security data, Tax Identification Number (TIN), Public Financial Service, recruitment date, salary, fees and allowances, bank account data. for the purpose of recruiting and managing of employees.
  • We collect your email address to provide you with our Newsletter services and inform you on the latest news with regards to our Company.
  • We may collect information such as your IP address, operating system and browser type, through automated tracking mechanisms and technology to reach your expectations and develop further our Website and services by analysing frequency with which you visit various parts of our Website.
  • We collect information such as name, address, contact telephone number, email address, for the purpose of promoting our services to existing and potential customers.
  • We lastly, collect data through the storage and use of Cookies in our Website. For more information you may read through our Cookies Policy.

In each of these cases where we collect Personal Data, we maintain them in a transparent and accurate manner and in accordance with the principles of data minimization.

3. Purposes of collection of personal data

We use and process your personal data in order to offer you the best possible experience when you visit our Website and services, or subscribe to our newsletter, when you use our contact form or apply for a career opening. We use the personal data you provide us with, in accordance with law, within the context of fulfilling a contract with you or solely in compliance with our legal obligations.

Exceptionally, we may process your personal data for promotional purposes, where we have your permission or where this is required by law (e.g. before judicial authorities).

For all the above purposes we ask you to let us know about any changes to your personal data so that they always meet reality.

The Company will collect, keep and process personal data limited to a strict minimum and to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

The provision of personal data is in no way mandatory. In any event, failure to provide us with the personal data required for the fulfilment of the above purposes, may prevent us from fulfilling our tasks and performing our duties.

4. How we protect your information

We are committed to protecting the information we receive from you. Any personal information you provide to us is maintained on secure servers and our internal system files. We take appropriate security measures, to protect your information against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. In this context, we regularly review our security systems and restrict access to your personal data only to authorized people, who are expressly bound to observe and use these data as strictly confidential.

5. Consequences of non-consent to the provision of personal data

The provision of personal data is by no means obligatory. In any case, the non-provision of personal data which have been categorized "mandatory" may prevent us from fulfilling the above-mentioned processing purposes or from fulfilling any contractual relationship. Failure to provide other non-mandatory personal data may under no circumstances affect our service provision. Further, in case you want to withdraw your consent kindly send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6. Recipients of personal data

Personal data may be processed by natural and/or legal persons, established within and/or outside the European Union, who act in the name and on behalf of the Company based on specific contractual obligations in compliance with the law provisions and GDPR.

Furthermore, the transfer of personal data will only take place in compliance with legal obligations in the context of executing an order of public authorities and before the judicial and administrative authorities.

To facilitate the achievement of our purposes, which are stated above, we may transmit, disclose, grant access to your personal data or share it with third parties. In this case, third parties may be:

  • Any third party that provides management, marketing and research, distribution, data processing, telesales, telecommunications, payment or any other kind of services or supports the operation of our business.
  • Any third party that provides customer service or fulfilment of customer requests
  • Other partners who provide our company with data centers or servers or software products
  • Lawyers, law firms and legally operating debtor information companies, in accordance with what is specifically defined by the current legislation
  • Public services, judicial authorities, regulatory bodies and organizations, regardless of jurisdiction or degree, as long as this is required by the Law, Court Decision, Regulation, Directive, order, opinion, circular, etc.
  • Auditors, accountants, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs or other financial or professional advisors in accordance with what is specifically defined by the current legislation.
  • Our special or universal successors, in the event of a sale, disposition, merger, liquidation of our business.

7. Transfer of personal data outside the European Union

The Company recognizes that the protection of personal data and privacy is a fundamental right. In this context the Company guarantees that it does not proceed with the transmission or disclosure of personal data to countries outside the European Union, expressly including storing them in databases managed by entities acting on behalf of the Company.

8. Retention Period of Personal Data

The Personal Data submitted via our online Website, will be kept by the Company for the period strictly necessary for the fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes, including the satisfaction of any legal, accounting or informational requirements and obligations, as well as for the fulfilment of tasks performed in the public interest. We may also use this information for statistical and research purposes for indefinite time.

With respect to the Personal Data processed for the provision of contractual services, the Company may continue to store such Data for a longer period to protect and safeguard the legitimate interests of the Company in relation to any liability and/or legal claims associated with the fulfilment of our statutory purposes.

In some cases, we may anonymize your personal information so that it can no longer be associated with you, and thus you can no longer be identified.

9. The Rights of the Subject of Personal Data

You may exercise your rights below and within the limit, set out in the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, namely:

  1. The right to access your Personal Data, which means your right to be informed by the Company whether your Data are processed and accessed (Article 15 of Regulation 679/2016).
  2. The right to rectification and erasure (the right to forgiveness) means the right to correct any inaccurate information and the right to delete your data if there is a legitimate interest in such deletion (Articles 16-17 of Regulation 679/2016), with the expressed reservation of any superior interest of the Company or a legal obligation to maintain personal data.
  3. The right to restrict processing means your right to request the suspension of processing when you have a legitimate interest (Article 18 of Regulation 679/2016).
  4. The right of portability means your right to receive your Data relating to a structured, commonly used and machine- readable format, as well as your right to request that data be forwarded to other data controllers (Article 20 of Regulation 679/2016).
  5. The right of objection means your right to oppose to the processing of your Data when there is a legitimate interest under the terms and conditions of Article 21 of Regulation 679/2016.
  6. The right to withdraw your consent within the limits and provisions of the law.
  7. The right to complain to the competent supervisory authority in the event of your Data being processed unlawfully.

You can exercise these rights by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will not ask you to pay any fees to access your personal data or to exercise your rights. However, we may impose a reasonable fee if your claim is manifestly unfounded or excessive, especially because of its recurring nature. Also, in such a case, we reserve the right to refuse to fulfil to your request upon reasonable justification.

The Company will put every possible effort to respond to your requests within one (1) month from the date of their submission. In any case, if due to the complexity or volume of your requests we require more time, we will inform you accordingly.

10. Right to Complaint

If you believe that the protection of your personal data has been violated in any way, you have the right to file a complaint before the Hellenic Data Protection Authority using the following contact details: Website:, Postal address: E-mail address. Phone: +30 210 6475600, Fax: +30 210 6835058, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

11. Data Controller

The Company, under the trade name “GMT International Consulting Services S.A.” which is located in the 6-8, Kifisias Ave., 15125, Marousi, Greece and VAT number 801931906, is appointed as the Data Controller.

For any matter relating to the processing of personal data, you may contact the Company at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

12. Processors

The Company uses Processors who provide reasonable assurances about the protection of personal data and the subject of such Data in accordance with the national and EU law. They contribute to the Company and expressly commit themselves to the protection of your Personal Data by means of a contract or other legal instrument which defines the subject matter and duration of the processing, the nature and purpose of the processing, as well as the rights and obligations of the Data Processor.

13. Amendments

We reserve the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check the Privacy Policy of the Company at regular intervals, especially before providing or else submitting any new personal data.

14. Communication

If you have any questions or concerns about the use of your personal data, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will do our best to answer your questions.


Last modification: 02-03-2023

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